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Willow Springs western ranch lessons western-riding
All too often we are faced with visitors , who either want to learn to ride with the intention of taking a horse for a hike as soon as possible or who either already had some lessons but do not have the necessary skills to go hiking.
On the other hand , our more than 40 years of experience shows us that many "traditional" courses forget to stress that riding begins with getting the horse on the meadow and ends with the return of the horse to the pasture and that learning basic techniques in an arena is more than necessary , but that some things are simply easier learned when taking a horse for a walk.
Specifically for this target group ,
we developed the " western riding in function of walks " trajectory ,in which we give some (3 or 4) lessons in our outdoor arena,
followed by a first walk .
Based upon the evaluation of the latter, we again give some lessons in the arena , and so on ...
During these lessons, we do not only focus on the " technical " aspect of horse riding but also
the psychology and behavior of the horse as " prey " and its relationship to man as " hunter " .
Ultimately, we do not want to “make” riders but create a two - unit rider - horse ,
two friends who support each other through thick and thin and,together, safely enjoy their outings in nature .
Take a look on our tariff page and find out more about some "standard" packages.
• Lessons only take place upon preliminary agreement and can only take place between the end of September and the end of March; under no circumstances one-off "introductory lessons" are given..
• We kindly ask the participants to be present at least 30 minutes before the agreed upon time;
latecomers shorten the duration of the lesson.
• The horses, provided by Willow Springs, are well-trained, western-rigged riding horses
• We limit the maximum weight of the rider to 90 kg. We strongly advise the participants to:
• Avoid ankle boots, better wear boots or sports shoes
• take along protective clothing should it rain (preferably clothing "below the knee")
• wear a hat or a cap
• Our lessons tour are open to participants as off age 12.
• The horses provided by Willow Springs are all covered by a third party civil liability insurance. Willow Springs assumes that the participants have a personal accident cover that allows horse riding as a hobby.
Eager to get started? No problem...
The Willow Spings crew will gladly introduce you to the "secrets" of horse riding!!