Gesloten, Fermé, Closed, Geslossen
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Ben in short, is a mixture of a "Belgian" and a Belgian Warm blood Horse. Although he has only been with us since 2001, we already know him since 1995. His imposing exterior (1,70m high - 800 kg) with flowing manes hides a golden character. After 13 years of loyal service, he enjoys a well-earned rest.

Sally (°1993) was, until she came with us in 2005, quite an experienced single hitched carriage and double-hitched carriage competition horse. Higher ambitions of her former owner on the one hand and a useful hint from a friend of ours on the other hand, brought this Fjord-mare to us. At Willow Springs she participates in the outings; as "ex-international" this is a role that pleases her 100%. Those who have ever riden her, are astonished by her willingness to perform.

Hinsapa (Lakota for black horse - nickname Shunka) - This name fully describes this young (b. 2008), nice and soft, black pearl. This mare (cross thoroughbred-quarter) prefers namely a soft hand and a quiet accompaniment. After a thorough training as a guide horse, she replaces the retired Cantania.

Missy (°1998) Wait a second... This is not a horse. Indeed her long ears can't hide her decendance. Being a real donkey, she is both intelligent and stubborn when she doesn’t understand what is wanted from her. Thanks to the aforementioned intelligence, Missy has already participated in quite some events; a role she fulfils like a real star.

Chucky, the pinto gelding (b. 2009), likes to observe any new rider approaching him. Once he thinks his new partner is OK, this guy shows himself to be a fine companion, with flexible, smooth movements.

Django, a gelding born in 2006 (Haflinger mix), exhibits many Haflinger traits. Sometimes a little stubborn but...once you can convince him to cooperate, a very pleasant walking companion, who feels at home in any terrain and isn't afraid of anything. The horses of his own group, he protects as if his life depended on it.

Cantania (°1986) is, apart from Annie Rogers of course, Kid Curry's sweetheart. This Belgian Warm blood Mare is a witness of the slowly disappearing "dressage-line" of the Belgian Warm blood Horse and is the leader of the "gang". Her compact body and strong hindquarters made her enormously flexible. Since 1991 she has worked as a guide horse; after 22 years of service, she has been retired.

Bonny (°1997) is quite an experienced girl. This D-pony (height up to 1,48 m) introduced children up to age 12 into the secrets of horse riding when she belonged to the horses of a pony-ranch (until the beginning of 2003). At Willow Springs, she "entertains" more experienced riders (up to 80 kg). This lady sure likes a nice walk in the forest. She is quite intelligent and will very clearly point out to the rider that whatever he may ask seems "not normal".

Duke (°1999) is Tina's "not-so secret love". This D-pony (a mixture of Arabian and local Irish blood) arrived at Willow Springs as an untrained, underfed, frightened bunch of misery. A lot of patience and exercise turned him into a fine guide horse. Although we still often jokingly call him "toddler", he is more experienced and reliable than many older horses.