Gesloten, Fermé, Closed, Geslossen
Under this heading, we introduce the "driving forces" behind the concept. Typical of any "western" environment is the use of a nick name. This nickname is often based upon actual, historical characters. Within Willow Springs we consequently use this name.
If you address us with our "civil" name (should you know it), we will not respond, neither react...
Kid Curry

Kid Curry (or Harvey Logan) was born in 1865 and became "famous" as a member of the "Wild Bunch"
(the gang most of you know from the film "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid").
He was born into a poor family and was raised by his ant, together with his three younger brothers.
Still quite young, he left home and settled as rancher and independent wrangler.
Some "misunderstanding" in a saloon, drove him to the outlaw trail.
Finally he joined the Wild Bunch, where he was known for his aggressiveness, tough character
(he once drove two hundred miles and back to take revenge for the murder of his brother) and skills as gunfighter.
He committed suicide in 1904.
His resurrection in Willow Springs makes Kid Curry (just call him "Kid")
hang his guns in the willow trees and return to his old occupation: horses.
Since 1968, horses are his life. You will meet him as guide and organizer of all sorts of activities.
Annie Rogers
Annie Rogers was the girlfriend of Kid Curry (behind every man stands a strong woman).
As is often the case, we do not know very much about the "historical" Annie Rogers.
Within Willow Springs however, her role is much clearer and much more important.
Annie Rogers makes sure that visitors get something to eat or drink.
Annie is also one of the "co-brains" of the entire concept.
Let me warn you, however: any good cowboy should know that it is very unwise to talk back to the cookie!


Inian was one of the four Lakota "upper-gods". His name means "pebble, rock" and refers to trust and perseverance.
As junior crew member (°1997), he is still at the beginning of his career.
His job is to entertain the youngsters and introduce them to the secrets of the wild west.


Tina is the oldest of the next generation of the ‘Curry family’.
Within Willow Springs she makes herself useful as guide and wrangler.
She has been "horse-bitten" since 1993. In her "spare time" she takes care of the visitors of the way station.