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Other westernactivities at Willow Springs western ranch
Cowboygames for families or groups of friends
Learn some of the most important aspects of the daily life of a cowboy in a healthy, competitive atmosphere, topped with a sauce of fun and choose one of the following formulas :
A. A “greenhorn” becomes a “cowboy”… (duration: half a day)
Today Willow Springs is being visited by some " greenhorns " who absolutely want to become "cowboys"; they are lucky ; in preparation of their lives between the cattle, they receive a decent education ; After a brief historical introduction, they are subdivided into several groups that, each in turn , get a solid education in "roping", 'tomahawk and knife throwing', "archery" and "horseshoe throwing", supervised an assisted by the rancher, the trail boss and the tophand of Willow Springs.
Eventually we're going to find out which " greenhorn " is most likely to make it as a cowboy (he / she with the most points namely ) . We therefore provide an appropriate souvenir for this participant. This formula can, of course, be combined with a meal, bbq ,line dance initiation and / or live music and karaoke .
B. The "would-be" cowboy looks around ... (duration: half a day)
Just like in the above-mentionned formula, the groups start off with a sound, competitive training. Meanwhile, one group however, leaves on a discovery ride with the coach to the environment in which they will have to drive the cows later ...
Here, too, the most deserving "greenhorn" receives a souvenir.
Also this formula can be combined with a meal, a bbq, an introduction to line dance and / or live music or karaoke.
Our "tariff" tab gives you a good idea.

C. A first, real test… (duration: half a day)
Today Willow Springs receives real brave " greenhorns ", only ... they just don't know it yet ! ! The ranch crew divides the group into two sub-groups and starts a crash course in cowboy techniques in which "roping", "knife throwing" and "branding" form the "main course"
Meanwhile, a carriage stops at the way station and the driver greats the visitors in a very friendly way ... However, this is only apparent kindness ! ! Suddenly the cowboys of Willow Springs pull a "bandana" before their face, they draw their weapons and force the visitors to put a hood over their heads. With a heavy hand, the " greenhorns " are escorted to the carriage and are carried off to an unknown destination ....
After some time , the carriage stops and the "greenhorns" hear a voice that commands them to take off their hood; they are 'in the middle of nowhere , accompanied only by a ... "cow". As the coach disappears on the horizon, the group of participants receive a map of the area with a starting and an end point. After they have caught the "cow"', they must, as dutiful cowboys, take this cow back to Willow Springs. Somewhere along the trail, they will find a branding iron with which they will have to brand the cow; they must , in other words , put their newly acquired "skills" immediately in practice and as a true "ranch crew" bring their mission to a successful end. Occasionally, they see the menacing silhouette of a rider watching them .. ...
Eventually the new cowboys reach Willow Springs;the fastest group gets, of course, rewarded.
This formula can easily be combined with a meal, a bbq, an introduction to line dance and / or live music or karaoke.
Take a look at our "tariff" tab for a first impression ..
D. How to become a scout ? (duration : 1 day)
What's the benefit of knowing how to rope, how to throw and ax and a knife or how to use a bow, when, after the first "stampede" of the herd of semi-wild cattle for which you and your colleagues are responsible, you are left behind in the middle of nowhere? .... None !! ! When, on top of that, also the horses and the covered wagon are gone, the disaster is complete. Behind every corner a Native American, eager to get your scalp, can hide; rivers can be slightly too wide or too deep ...
Fortunately also for this kind of “troubles” Willow Springs has the solution. Armed with map and compass, guided by our own scout, our cowboys start off, trying to recuperate their herd, horses and gear.
Along the way they do, of course, have to escape from Native Americans, braid a "rope", make a bow and, at noon, prepare their own soup, hamburger and coffee over an open fire, ... .. in order to, eventually, let’s hope, return to the way station; our cowboys learn, in fact, the necessary skills to recuperate their lost herd in order to continue their work. as a cowboy. One thing becomes very obvious from the first “test” onwards ... no teamwork, no result.
In the way station we will, of course, test whether the homemade rope captures cows and whether the bow shoots!!! Therefore, make sure that you train these "skills" on the way and put the best "roper" or "archer" of your team in !!! Our scout’s report will tell us which cowboy has the most survival skills; he/she will receive a souvenir.

E. The real stuff (duration: 2 days)
Just as in the "a ‘greenhorn’ becomes ‘a cowboy’” formula, the" greenhorns "that visit Willow Springs today, are very ambitious; they want to become a cowboy. Therefore, they also receive a decent education; After a brief historical introduction to a delicious cup of 'camp coffee', they learn some basic skills, namely "roping", 'tomahawk and knife throwing," archery " and ' horseshoe throwing". Once they have mastered these skills, they can continue their 'trek' with confidence. Willow Springs honors the "best student" with a souvenir for his / her participation.
Our cowboys are not sent to bed on an empty stomach ... a delicious barbecue (marinated porkbrochette, marinated bacon, sausage, salads, sauces and bread) should help them in saying goodbye to civilization and in seeking new horizons...
However, after a refreshing night's sleep and a hearty breakfast, disaster strikes !!!
The herd, together with the horses and covered wagon, have left on a stampede; the cowboys will have to try to get everything back ... on foot !!!. On top of that, behind every corner a Native American, eager to get your scalp, can hide; rivers can be slightly too wide or too deep ...
Fortunately also for this kind of “troubles” Willow Springs has the solution. Armed with map and compass, guided by our own scout, our cowboys start off, trying to recuperate their herd, horses and gear.
Along the way they do, of course, have to escape from Native Americans, braid a "rope", make a bow and, at noon, prepare their own soup, hamburger and coffee over an open fire, ... .. in order to, eventually, let’s hope, return to the way station; our cowboys learn, in fact, the necessary skills to recuperate their lost herd in order to continue their work. as a cowboy. One thing becomes very obvious from the first “test” onwards ... no teamwork, no result.
In the way station we will, of course, test whether the homemade rope captures cows and whether the bow shoots!!! Therefore, make sure that you train these "skills" on the way and put the best "roper" or "archer" of your team in !!! Our scout’s report will tell us which cowboy has the most survival skills; he/she will receive a souvenir.